Media Kit

The Denver Dog Media Kit
Here at The Denver Dog magazine, we offer a wide range of sponsorship levels to cater to a variety of budgets a business may have. With every advertising option, we will promote your business on our social media sites.
A one category, one year ad listing under the most relevant category in our pet directory
1 social media post monthly
A one year ad listing under all relevant categories in our pet directory
Two featured articles throughout the year
3 social media posts monthly
A one year ad listing under all relevant categories
Five featured articles throughout the year
Up to 500 marketing materials distributed in our event bags and adoption kits
8 social media posts monthly
A one year ad listing under all relevant categories
Eight featured articles throughout the year
Up to 1,000 marketing materials distributed in our event bags and adoption kits
10 social media posts monthly
A one year ad listing under all relevant categories
Twelve featured articles throughout the year
Up to 4,000 marketing materials distributed in our event bags and adoption kits
A banner and slideshow ad on our front page for one year
15 social media posts monthly
A one year ad listing under all relevant categories
Fifteen featured articles throughout the year
Up to 5,000 marketing materials distributed in our event bags and adoption kits
A banner and slideshow ad on our front page for one year
20 social media posts monthly
Articles can be replaced as extra social media posts if you feel that your business would not benefit from articles in our blog.
What are event bags and adoption kits? Throughout the year we attend a large number of events where we distribute tote bags at our table. We offer to include any marketing materials from our sponsors.
Marketing materials that we can distribute include: business cards, flyers, brochures, magnets, pens, product samples if applicable (basically anything that can fit in a 13 ½ W by 14 H bag).
Adoption kits consist of the same tote bag we use for events. In this bag, we include a folder with information for new pet owners. We can include the same marketing materials from the event bags into these bags. Adoption kits are distributed directly to local rescues and shelters we partner with.
Marketing materials for event bags and adoption kits must be supplied by the sponsor. We can assist you with obtaining the materials, but the financial responsibility for these items falls on the sponsor.
Does my business have to supply articles? Sponsors can contribute their own articles or one of our writers at The Denver Dog can put together the articles for you. We can submit an article to you for approval prior to posting it on the site.
I don’t see a package that fits what I am looking for, are there other options? You are more than welcome to reach out to us if you don’t feel any packages we offer are a good fit. We may be able to put together a custom package that will suit your needs.
Do I have to commit to a one year ad listing? If you have a short term project or event that you are interested in promoting, please email us with the details. We can come up with a price for short term advertising so you will not have to commit to a one year listing.
Are the social media posts sponsored ads? No, they are not. With the social media posts, we will share about your business in a non-sponsored post on our social media sites. We can do sponsored ads for our sponsors. We would have to bill depending on the length of time you want the ad to run and the audience.
What if my business doesn’t fall into any of the categories in the pet directory? We can easily add new categories to our directory to accommodate your business if you feel it will not fall under any other categories.
Do you offer print advertising? We are earth friendly and we strive to keep up with the times, thus we no longer print our magazine. However, many of our advertising options do offer for us to distribute your businesses marketing materials. This is a way to physically get your business cards, etc, in the hands of consumers.